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WA Dominican Family

Throughout our 100+ years in Western Australia, the Dominican Sisters have made lasting connections and friendships with many people who continue to enjoy a connection to us. These wonderful women and men are former students or former members of staff of our Dominican Schools, parents and friends of the Sisters who continue to visit us, and enjoy the shared joy and excitement of Ex-Student Reunions.

Another more recent development in the WA Dominican Family is the establishment of the Dominican Associates group, comprising women and men who are keen to continue in their own ways to keep the flame of the Dominican charism alive in WA.

Both our Ex-Students and Associates share a wonderful relationship in which has a dual purpose: These women and men receive from the Sisters a spiritual and faith connection through their friendship, and the promise of the daily support of prayer. 

The Sisters also benefit greatly from the connections in the form of hope - that the Dominican spirit is alive and well in WA, and joy - which comes from delighting in the stories of lives shared, families that have grown and memories of the past.

You are invited to read further about these two very important groups in the lives of the Sisters!

Dominican Associates of Western Australia

Dominican Associates are Christian women and men; married, single divorced, and widowed; clergy members and lay persons who were first drawn to and then called to live out the charism and continue the mission of the Dominican Order – to praise, to bless, to preach. In many cases, Associates share a history with the Dominican Sisters of Western Australia, as students, teachers and employees of Dominican Schools, and as friends who have supported the Sisters.

  • to follow the way of the preacher through my daily commitment to Truth
  • to contemplate, celebrate, study and preach the Word with all my being
  • and to companion my sisters in mission and community.

“I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me,”

who lives in union with the Creator God,

and Holy Spirit,

One God, for ever and ever.


(in the presence of the Prioress or her representative)


Margaret Scharf OP

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