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Solomon Islands Support

Since the foundation of the Dominican Missions in the Solomon Islands in 1956, the Dominican Sisters of WA have been committed to the support of the work of the Dominican Family in that region. All schools operated by the Sisters raised funds for the continuation of ministries and the formation of Solomonese National Sisters. While the Missions were a national venture, in 1988 the newly organised governmental structure of the four autonomous Congregations in Australia resulted in the Vicariate becoming a part of the Congregation of Dominican Sisters 

of Eastern Australia. This didn't stop the Sisters in WA from offering financial and human resources.

In the early 1970's, Sister Marlene Laracy OP and her sister, Diane, who was a nurse, travelled to Moli Island in the then Western Province of the Solomons for three months, so that the ex-patriate Sisters could attend the General Chapter. Sister Margaret Scharf OP was assigned to the Missions for three years, from 1987-1989, as Director of the Diocesan Catechetical Centre on Moli Island, a small island off the coast of Choiseul. She and her team also travelled to the island groups of Western Province to offer programs in villages. Upon her return from the United States of America, after more than 17 years in ministry, Margaret has visited the Solomons to offer retreats and programs to the national Sisters, and to offer catechetical and liturgical music programs to the youth of the Diocese of Auki, Malaita, at the invitation of Bishop Chris Cardone OP.

Sister Imelda Ryan OP spends each year in preparation for her Craft Fair, which raises funds specifically targeting the Solomons missions. Imelda designs and creates everything for sale, and the Sisters look forward to the end-of-year Craft Fair, so that they may buy Christmas presents! 

Faith Festival, St Augustine's Parish, Auki, Malaita Is.

Margaret Scharf OP, Bruno Cadore OP, Peter Murnane OP

Youth Gathering, Diocese of Auki, Malaita Island

Master General, Bro Bruno Cadore OP celebrates the Liturgy with Dominican Friars on Loga Island in 2013.


East Timor, or Timor-Leste, is an independent Democratic Republic, member of the United Nations since 2002. It is a developing country with great resources – material and spiritual – and a promising future. The languages of the country are Portuguese, Tetun and Bahasa. The majority of its one million and two hundred thousand people are Catholics. There are beside Dili two other Dioceses, namely, Baucau and Maliana.

Two Congregations of Dominican Sisters are present in East Timor, namely, the Congregation of the Dominican

Missionaries of the Rosary and the Congregation of St. Catherine of Siena of Portugal. The Sisters of the Dominican Missionaries of the Rosary operate the Orphanage in Bidau, Dili.

At the 2003 General Chapter of the Sisters, it was decided to begin a project of offering financial support to the Sisters who run the orphanage. An East Timor Committee of volunteers was established and this wonderful band has organised social gatherings for the Community each year, as a fundraiser. The Congregation also contributes to the project, but the most important aspects of the venture are the donations which come from the Sisters own personal budgets, and the fun events which the Sisters all enjoy, which include "lucky door prizes," BBQs for St Patrick's Feast Day, Quizzes and Talent Shows!



The Dominican Sisters of Western Australia have formed a partnership with one of the Congregations of Dominican Sisters in Viet Nam, The SIsters in Western Australia provide community support for a SIster to live with us and study at local universities. This wonderful partnership is two-way: the local Sisters offer hospitality, prayerful and educational support to the Student Sister, and our Vietnamese Sister helps the senior SIsters realise that while they are no longer in external ministries the Dominican charism is proclaimed through a new generation of Dominicans, namely, our Asian Sisters! 

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